The Club Today
Mission Statement
The purpose of this club is to increase and diversify the technical knowledge of its members. The club is open to all individuals regardless of their age, colour, creed, disability ethnic origin or sexual orientation.
We aim to demonstrate to members the range, use and importance of various applications that you can use a computer for in a social and friendly atmosphere. We encourage individuals to ask questions of the most simplistic nature and attempt to answer such queries without causing embarrassment.
The club also provides opportunities for the members to experience computer platforms they are not familiar with. Visitors and members are encouraged to bring computers to the club with faulty hardware or software to facilitate opportunities for members to learn how to correct computer faults.
We encourage those interested in computers to learn to appreciate and enjoy a variety of software applications and technologies such as web design, programme design and modification, video games and multimedia presentations. The club encourages its members to pursue computer projects and personal endeavours such as building computers from the chassis up including installing all components, installing the operating system and testing the completed computer.
The club has several members who are experienced in the use and repair of computers due to their employment or use of computers as a hobby.