Other Clubs

Many WHCC members are also members of the Greenford Computer Club. Specialising in retro computers and consoles, all the way up to the modern day. If Greenford is a little closer to you check them out, or better yet come to both clubs! Greenford meet every other Thursday from 7:00pm at Greenford Community Centre, 170 Oldfield Ln S, Greenford, UB6 9JS. You can find them on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1091373200876189

Kickstart are a user group for all Amiga users, or those just wanting to know more about the platform. It doesn’t matter if you are an expert with every machine in the range, or just a single computer owner trying to learn more or just having fun with a 500 Mini, everyone is welcome at the meets and as members of the group.
Kickstart meet several times a year at Ottershaw Village Hall, Surrey. More information and meeting dates can be found on their website - https://www.kickstartamigagroup.org.uk/

Amiga North Thames is a computer user group, based in North East London. ANT are a dedicated bunch of enthusiasts who fondly remember the computer that history forgot, the Amiga range of Computers originally built by Commodore International.
ANT meet up once a month at St. Mary Magdalene Vestry, Enfield and discuss, demonstrate and provide free technical support to each other and new members. Full details on their website - http://www.amiganorththames.co.uk/